Children have bodies, too!

Children struggle with stresses. School, social media, relationships, extra-curricular assignments, just to name a few.

Massage calms the nervous system and gives bodies a chance to work on self-healing.

Children Respond Well to Massage and Bodywork

For children who struggle with ADHD, who are on the Autism spectrum, deal with ADD, or are overstimulated due to excessive screen-time, video games, or general life busy-ness, massage and craniosacral gives their bodies much needed time for repair.

Our therapists are kind and patient

Our therapists work with children regularly. They are patient, kind, and knowledgeable about needs specific to children. Our therapists work gently with children, listen to their verbal cues as well as pay close attention to their body cues.

We highly recommend choosing a Massage/CST combination treatment for children. Craniosacral Therapy works to calm the nervous system. Massage increases blood flow, moves lymph through the body, and raises the immune system response to fight viruses. You would be surprised how many children have ‘knots’ in their shoulders or neck due to stress!

Call the clinic and choose extension 2 to ask about which therapists are best trained to work with children.


Deep Tissue Massage


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