Mommy Make-Over

It’s an increasingly popular surgery. Mom’s want their body back after having children. The effects of childbearing often alter a woman’s appearance and musculature, affecting her physically and emotionally. For this reason, many women are turning to plastic and corrective surgery. A “Mommy Make-Over” is a combination of surgeries to address the areas a woman desires to see changes in her body.

Mommy Make-Over

Mommy Make-Over Options

I found a thorough website for women researching her options for a Mommy Make-Over. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons lists the following procedures that could be included.

Breast augmentation

Breast lift

Buttock augmentation



Tummy tuck

This website is a valuable resource of information, covering all the topics a woman needs during her research period.

Candidates Procedure Steps Recovery

Cost Results Before and After Photos

Consultation Questions to Ask Risks and Safety

Mommy Make-Over after giving birth

Many women want their body back, after giving birth.

Board Certified Physicians

Choosing the right surgeon to meet a woman’s needs is paramount. While cost is often an important consideration, finding a qualified physician team with experience and proper certifications is even more important. The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery has a tool for finding a board certified physician. They also outline the surgical and non-surgical options for restoring a woman’s pre-baby body.

“Having kids changes a woman's body, and things don't always go back to the way they were before. A skilled cosmetic surgeon can help address the effects of childbearing, restoring a woman's pre-baby shape or even improving upon it through personalized procedures for the breasts and body.” -American Board of Cosmetic Surgery

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

manual lymphatic drainage

MLD moves lymph through the body's lymphatic waste-removal system

Women often include pre and post surgery Manual Lymphatic Drainage in their planning when counting the cost and creating their budget for their Mommy Make-Over. Some surgery centers have licensed massage therapists on staff to provide these services. Some keep a list of local therapists who provide this specialty.


The difference in recovery after surgery, when lymph massage is done before surgery, is astounding.

Pre-Surgery- Receiving 3-5 sessions two weeks before your surgery may drastically improve your post-surgery symptoms. Many people have reported minimal bruising and much faster healing times. The reason for this is because your lymph system is responsible for bringing your body back to normal after a surgery and clearing out your lymph system before a surgery ensures that your body is ready to handle the challenges of your upcoming surgery. 

Post-Surgery- Always ask your doctor when it is safe for you to begin Lymphatic Massage sessions. After your doctor has cleared you and you have no sign of infection, Lymphatic Massage can reduce your post-surgery swelling and bruising, reduce inflammation, drain excess fluid, reduce appearance of scars, improve your immune response to decrease your risk of infection, decrease scarring and the build-up of fibrotic nodules (hard lumps), and decrease pain.


MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) is NOT manually pushing fluid from inside the body outside the body through the surgical sutures.
If a woman chooses to travel to Central/South America for surgery, she should be aware of the dangers of permitting doctors and nurses to perform this type of treatment on their bodies. It is dangerous, and can cause more trauma to the body than the surgery itself.

“There are some people who get lucky by claiming they are performing lymphatic drainage while trying to "force" bodily fluid/swelling out of surgical incisions, etc. That type of unthinkable, forceful, painful, swollen tissue manipulation could cause a greater amount of scar tissue, fibrosis and/or infection than the initial trauma or surgery itself.  Keep in mind, a client may appreciate a forceful physical temporary removal of swelling while on opioids.  And that type of client could unknowingly seek even more of the same when they become additionally swollen from improper care.  It's difficult for a client on opioids who has just had surgery and is being told that they are receiving "therapy" to understand that the "therapy" of forcibly working on swelling is hurting them - not helping!” - Selena Belisle, athlete, founder of CE Institute and lymphatic drainage specialist 

MLD is Safe, Gentle, and Effective

When done properly, MLD is a safe treatment, that brings balance to the body after surgery. There is no pain during a lymph massage. Much research has been conducted and is continually being done. Doctors recommend manual lymphatic drainage.

Vodder-Style Method

At Ogden Massage for Pain Relief, our specialty therapists utilize a systematic approach to

1) clear the larger lymph drains

2) move lymph fluid from the further areas of the body (arms/legs)

3) clear the larger lymph drains a second time.

Our lymphatic specialists utilize a skin stretch technique. This Vodder-style treatment has been tested for efficiency and safety for 100 years and used all over the world.

Why is it such a light-touch technique? The lymph vessels are attached to the deepest layer of the skin, but these vessels do not run through the muscle tissue. If deep tissue massage is performed, the lymph vessels are flattened, and you are no longer receiving an effective lymphatic massage because the muscles are being targeted and worked instead of the lymphatic vessels.

If you have any questions, call customer service at 801-503-0848.
If you are ready to book your pre-surgery or post-surgery sessions, head to the Booking page, or give us a call, we’ll be happy to help you.
We offer a discount on packages of 3 sessions, so call and ask about a package today! 801-503-0848


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