What is Graston Technique?

Graston Technique Therapy is an evidence-based form of instrument assisted (like pictured above) soft tissue mobilization.

In this massage modality, therapists use highly specialized tools to detect restrictions in the fascia, muscles and tendons and then break up the scar tissue and adhesions. Therapists incorporate stretching to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment.

Why choose a Graston technique Massage?

Graston Technique Therapy can accelerate healing time after a surgery or injury, reduce or eliminate scar tissue, restore range of motion, eliminate pain and restore normal function.

Therapists are able to successfully treat dysfunctions that were previously thought to be permanent. To get a doctor’s perspective, read the interview with Dr. Shawn Engell.

When to book a Graston technique Massage

When to book a Graston Technique Massage

  • Ankle Pain

  • Wrist Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Hamstring Injuries

  • Hip Pain

  • IT Band

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Back & Shoulder Pain

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Knee & Heel Pain

  • Scar Tissue

  • Women’s Health: Post-Surgery Scarring

If you’ve never experienced Graston Technique Therapy at our clinic, call us for a discount on your first three sessions! 801-503-0848

If you book a short session to treat 1-2 areas, depending on the area of the body, you can come in your active wear and be treated while sitting or lying on the table. The other option is to book a Therapeutic Massage/Graston mixed session. This will be performed like a traditional-style Therapeutic Massage, adding the Graston Technique as needed.

What to Expect


  • No, while some people have seen photos online of people bruised after Graston Technique Therapy, and while every body responds differently, and some bruising may occur, it does not need to hurt to be effective. The same results can be achieved with less pressure and our therapists use techniques to facilitate a comfortable experience.

  • The first tool is used to detect adhesions and scar tissue. Next, the therapist chooses the right tool to treat the affected area, promoting healing. The therapist then stretches the muscles to maximize the effectiveness of the session.

  • If you’ve had the issue for a long time, you may need up to 12 visits. If it’s a more recent problem, you could see the results you’re looking for in 2-6 treatments. Every body is different. Your therapist will be able to help you decide what is right for you.